Where are all the %$#% aliens ?
Ever since early man first gazed up at the night sky thousands of years ago there has been the belief that perhaps we are not alone in this vast universe. This idea became even more hotly debated in the 19th century when using new technologies, we discovered truly how vast and full of infinite possibilities the universe is. Nowadays, because of all the planets being found that could support life and the mathematical equations that state exactly how many aliens should be out there scientists can now state with almost 100 percent certainty that we are not alone. However, this only raises another question of if they have do exist WHERE ARE ALL OF THE ALIENS?
Many renowned scientists have tried to find the answer and have come up with explanations like that the aliens are too far or they are already among us but for me these explanations were unsatisfactory so I came up with my own hypotheses.
An artists rendition of an alien
1. We are too ugly
After reading this many of you might be feeling self-conscience but this is not directed towards you personally (despite how ugly some of you may be) I'm just saying that maybe to some aliens we are as repulsive as a cockroach is to us. I feel that this is a quite logical explanation because If we had the technology to explore the universe we probably wouldn't visit many planet's containing hideous aliens.
2. We are too stupid
Again, don't be offended, I'm not trying to insult any of you (yes even the stupid ones) I'm just saying that maybe to advanced alien races we are as smart as an earthworm is to us. With this in mind, it makes sense that they haven't bothered to try to communicate because you wouldn't bother stopping to have a conversation with an earthworm . Another explanation is maybe aliens have tried to communicate but we were too stupid to understand that it was an attempt at communication.
3. We are too aggressive
Out of all of my explanations I feel that this one is the most likely. If you look at the way that we are ravaging our planet through pollution and infighting it makes sense that aliens observing us would not want to attempt to communicate. So my guess is there is some sort of intergalactic council and they have decided not to communicate until we clean up our act.
Whatever the explanation for the lack of aliens may be lets just hope that if they do eventually communicate that there are no anal probes involved.